Suspended Casket no.1

24 x 48 x 4 inches

ceiling panel, insulation, LED light fixture, vent screen, threaded steel rod, black foam board, power extension cable, fishing lures, padlocks, keys, hinge, chrome hardware, embossed labels, ground wire, plywood


side one (vertical)

side two (vertical)

Suspended Casket No.1 was created during Price’s forth term at Art Center College of Design. The work consists entirely of, as Price puts it, corporate materials which one could find more readily in a classroom, dentist office, bank, or equally sterile setting. The relationship one has with these materials is inherently unnatural triggering memories of workplace dissociation or overstayed lectures. This relationship is in stark contrast to the primordial one humans and animals have with materials such as wood, stone, or even metal. Materials such as these are not tied to one general experience or the means of production but to the Earth and its nature, so, when one lives their life in a world of corporate materials their connection to reality become vague. It has been in these corporate settings that Price himself has felt distant and unfamiliar with the natural world and left to stare through the ceiling or wall and imagine what lies on the other side. But, when a plane of existence (i.e. the ceiling) is abstracted and folded over itself it becomes an enclosure for not only the material but imagination itself. The pining of a world beyond corporate walls becomes somewhat of a paradox when the other side of a ceiling is also a ceiling itself. It is the death of spirit and thought.