VHS Player & BNC TV Monitor
Decision To Play
Decision To Play is half ready-made half video sculpture tackling the morality and consumption of digital media. The image frozen on the television monitor depicts a car hurling midair before violently crashing into the dirt. In the internet age any and all media is available to the general populous. This media ranges from kid friendly videos to gore websites dedicated to archiving real and often grizzly deaths. Even when one isn’t seeking explicit content it is common to run into media one would’ve otherwise avoided. The algorithm, who prioritizes negative reactions, molds the landscape into a minefield of divisive politics, extremist views, snuff films, and hate. It is no wonder that those who are beyond desperate for answers and a sense of direction often fall victim to media’s facade and drown in its mire. Price believes it is dependent on the individual to be aware of the impact media can have on our outlook and mindset and to be discerning in what we choose to digest.