Harper & Sunny’s Birdhouse

12” x 14” y 9” z


Harper & Sunny’s Birdhouse

designed and created for the Fronk family


birch plywood, iridescent acrylic, galvanized screws, earth magnets


Rasberry Pi zero w, external battery, 160º camera module


The Rasberry Pi Zero W installed in the camera unit is Wi-Fi accessible and is capable of capturing 1080p video and photo.

“As a kid, my parents made a concerted effort to expose my brother and I to nature and wildlife. The result was a lifelong appreciation and respect for the natural world and all the animals and plants that live there, my hope is that this gift will provide a unique window into that world for you all to enjoy.”

Harper & Sunny’s Birdhouse was created as a gift for Aaron, Julie, Harper, Sunny, and Charlotte Fronk.